Internal Conversion (IC) Rate Constant¶
MOMAP is able to calculate internal conversion (IC) rate constant, which
is based on TVCORF_IC
[1] and TVSPEC_IC
subprogram is used to calculate thermal vibration
correlation function (TVCF). TVSPEC_IC
subprogram is used to
determine the relationship between IC rate constant and energy gap.
In the following part, this kind of calculation will be called nonrad calculation.
Calculate non-adiabatic coupling matrix element (NACME)¶
Unlike rad_FL calculation, NACME should be obtained before performing a nonrad calculation.
In MOMAP, get-nacme function is used to read transition electric field
and vibration information from Gaussian output and calculate electronic
coupling term. This process is integrated into evc
subprogram. User
needs to provide Gaussian electric field calculation result and toggle
on NACME calculation in evc.inp. The rest steps are the same as evc
calculation. After the calculation, a *.nacme
file will be generated
and it is used in nonrad calculation.
Start running calculation¶
To start a nonrad calculation, you need a evc.*.dat
file, a
file, a job control file and a parallel control file.
file is the evc calculation result. *.nacme
is the
NACME calculation result. Job control file is used to generate an input
subprograms and implement parallel
computation. Parallel control file is used to control computation nodes.
There is an example of performing nonrad calculation on 6T. The input files can be found in examples/6T/ic. 5 files are required in this example.
evc calculation result.evc.cart.nac
NACME result.job
Generate input file and implement parallel computation. Computation parameters are involved in this
Set file path for job file and nodefile and run the calculation.examples/config/nodefile
Control computation nodes. The file path should be designated in run file. Other examples can be found inexamples/DSB/ic
Modifying job file¶
Here is an example of job file. Control parameters and their functions are listed down below. Change the parameters before performing a nonrad calculation.
DUSHIN = .t. # Toggle Duschinsky rotation effect
Temp = 298 # Temperature
tmax = 3000 fs # Integral interval of correlation function (Must be converged. See section 4.4)
dt = 0.01 fs # Integration step of correlation function (As small as possible)
Ead = 0.118042 au # Adiabatic energy difference between two states (Able to change unit)
logFile = "log" # Name of output info file (output)
DSFile = "evc.cart.dat" # Name of evc file (input)
CoulFile = "nacme.out" # Name of NACME info file (input)
FtFile = "ft.dat" # Name of correlation function info file (output)
isgauss = .f. # Toggle spectrum broadening
BroadenType = "lorentzian" # Type of broadening function (lorentz / gauss)
Broadenfunc = "time" # Type of broadening parameter (freq / time)
lifetime = 1.0 ps # Broadening width (FWHM)
NScale = 10
Emax = 0.5 au # Upper bound of spectrum
FoFile = "fo.dat" # Name of spectrum info (output)
Verify convergence of correlation function and obtain results¶
Make sure the correlation function is converged. The verification process can be found in section 4.4.
Internal conversion (IC) rate constant can be found at the end of
file. The relationship between IC rate constant and energy gap
can be obtained from fo.dat
[1] | TVCORF_IC_para subprogram is available for parallel computation. |